
This project consists of C++ implementation of the Union-Find decoder and its python binding. For C++ code, one may look UnionFindPy/cpp directory. We note that this directory itself is a complete C++ project you can build with CMake.

To compile C++ examples, you may run

$ cd UnionFindPy/cpp
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ make

Other supported cmake options are -DENABLE_AVX=ON, -DBUILD_TESTS=ON, -DCLANG_TIDY.

For a contribution, I ask you install clang-tidy-12 and clang-format-12. You can format C++ source files with:

$ cd UnionFindPy/cpp
$ make format

where clang-tidy can be called with:

$ cd UnionFindPy/cpp
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ make