Implementing Custom Lattice

Even though one can use our python binding for any possible lattices, implementing a lattice directly in C++ can boost decoding speeds.

As our UnionFind is a template class, you can add your own custom lattice without much difficulty. A custom lattice class should implement 5 methods (implementing LatticeConcept).

class CustomLattice
    using Vertex = int;

    int num_vertices(); //return number of all vertices in the lattice
    int num_edges(); //return number of all edges (qubits) in the lattice

    std::vector<int> vertex_connections(Vertex v);  //return nearest neighbor vertices

    int edge_idx(Edge edge); //return index of edge for a given edge
    int vertex_connection_count(Vertex v); //return the number of nearest neighbor vertices

Then you can use our UnionFind template class in your C++ code as

#include <UnionFind.hpp>
auto decoder = UnionFind<CustomLattice>(args...);

All parameters of the UnionFind constructor are perfectly forwarded to the constructor of CustomLattice class.

We are planning to support a Python interface to generate a custom lattice.